104 Watchung Avenue Upper Montclair, New Jersey 07043 | 973-783-4330
Mon - Fri: 1pm - 6pm. Saturdays 10am to 3pm.

Alexandra Falcone

The Montclair Music Studio is proud to introduce Alexandra Falcone.

Ms. Falcone began teaching with us in 2022. She is a violin, cello and piano instructor.

Getting to Know Alexandra…

What brought on your interest in music?

From a young age my mother made sure I was exposed to music. I had a baby Mozart’s Music cube I used to play with.

When did you start your studies?

Starting at age six I was in a choir and took private voice lessons, I always loved it. I started playing violin when I was 9.

Was your family involved in music?

My mother was a vocalist in high school but I am the first in my family to pursue music as a profession.

Have You Participated in Any Extra Curricular Organizations or music clubs?

During my time as a violinist I have been involved in many extra curricular organizations including The Jacobs School of Music Summer String Academy, The Contemporary Youth Orchestra where I was concertmaster and performed with Grammy award winners, Jason Mraz, Kenny Loggins and Melissa Etheridge. With this group I also traveled abroad and performed in Ireland and Scotland. In addition I belonged to The Cleveland Institue of Music Preparatory Program, The University of Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra where I also held the position of Concertmaster and New York University’s Baroque ensemble.

What are other types of instruments in your repertoire?

In addition to violin I also can sing and play piano.

Have you played at other venues?

I have performed in many esteemed venues such as Severance Hall, Cleveland Playhouse Theatre, many churches at home and abroad, Mixon Hall at the Cleveland Institute of Music. During my time at the conservatory of music at University of Cincinnati I performed in Corbett Auditorium, Patricia Corbett Theater, Cohen Family Studio Theater, Robert J. Werner Recital Hall and the Watson Recital Hall. I’ve also performed in Eisner Lubin Auditorium at New York University.

Any favorite hobbies other than music?

Besides violin I enjoy cooking, photography, traveling, and going on long walks.

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